Project display template



The “[Insert Your Project’s Name]” Project – What does your project do?Ā  How is it helpful? Any special accomplishments? Remember the purpose of this is to spark interest in potential volunteers.

Keep in mind: your primary audience is interns trying to pick a project — think about what interested you in the project and how it spoke to you as a master gardener.

Seed package

Special Info?

Anything else not covered by the description that might spark interest for potential volunteers

map icon
Project Location

Your Project Location – full address
This will help potential volunteers understand where they would be driving to and the time commitment/logistics. I will include a link to a map so they can find the project easily.

project people with ideas

How Volunteers Spend their Time

  • What type of work will it involve?
  • Special Events?
  • Routine activities?
  • Tasks?
  • What are some of the rewards and skills that volunteers ā€˜getā€™ from or at this project / garden?
  • Ā 


Volunteer Schedule

Dates, times, months, weeks, if known. Any chances for weekend work, even if it is occasional, will help recruit volunteers

Contact Us


Use this for Contact email and/or phone

Video/photos:Ā  A video would include a (short!) story of what youā€™ve learned and/or why you love volunteering at the garden/project. How does this garden/project accomplishes the mission of SEMGs. Photos are also acceptable as in a gallery.Ā 


Each PROJECT will have its own web page.Ā 
Recap:Ā  Please include specific information so we can present your project(s) in a user friendly, standardized format to help potential volunteers decide.

  1. Name of garden / project
  2. Goal / purpose of garden / project
  3. Location
  4. Expectations and duties: What kinds of jobs would a SEMG volunteer expect to do?
  5. What are some of the rewards and skills that volunteers ‘get’ from or at this project / garden?
  6. Video/photos:Ā  A video would include a (short!) story of what you’ve learned and/or why you love volunteering at the garden/project. How does this garden/project accomplishes the mission of SEMGs.
  7. The filename of the video should be the project name; i.e., yourprojectname.mp4; The filename is the name that will display when the video is playing.