Project display template



The “[Insert Your Project’s Name]” Project – What does your project do?  How is it helpful? Any special accomplishments? Remember the purpose of this is to spark interest in potential volunteers.

Keep in mind: your primary audience is interns trying to pick a project — think about what interested you in the project and how it spoke to you as a master gardener.

Seed package

Special Info?

Anything else not covered by the description that might spark interest for potential volunteers

map icon
Project Location

Your Project Location – full address
This will help potential volunteers understand where they would be driving to and the time commitment/logistics. I will include a link to a map so they can find the project easily.

project people with ideas

How Volunteers Spend their Time

  • What type of work will it involve?
  • Special Events?
  • Routine activities?
  • Tasks?
  • What are some of the rewards and skills that volunteers ‘get’ from or at this project / garden?


Volunteer Schedule

Dates, times, months, weeks, if known. Any chances for weekend work, even if it is occasional, will help recruit volunteers

Contact Us


Use this for Contact email and/or phone

Video/photos:  A video would include a (short!) story of what you’ve learned and/or why you love volunteering at the garden/project. How does this garden/project accomplishes the mission of SEMGs. Photos are also acceptable as in a gallery. 


Each PROJECT will have its own web page. 
Recap:  Please include specific information so we can present your project(s) in a user friendly, standardized format to help potential volunteers decide.

  1. Name of garden / project
  2. Goal / purpose of garden / project
  3. Location
  4. Expectations and duties: What kinds of jobs would a SEMG volunteer expect to do?
  5. What are some of the rewards and skills that volunteers ‘get’ from or at this project / garden?
  6. Video/photos:  A video would include a (short!) story of what you’ve learned and/or why you love volunteering at the garden/project. How does this garden/project accomplishes the mission of SEMGs.
  7. The filename of the video should be the project name; i.e., yourprojectname.mp4; The filename is the name that will display when the video is playing.

Tree Watering

Sandoval Extension Master Gardeners Brochure

Need help? Here is our synopsis of best practices for High Desert Gardening in Central New Mexico

Get Involved

There are many Master Gardener projects that need your support. We appreciate all of your efforts!

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