From Seed Starters to Plant $ales: Thank you Seed Starters!

May 14, 2023 | Information


–Ginger Golden SEMG 2014 & Michelle Wittie SEMG 2020

The SEMG Annual Plant Sales at the Corrales Growers Market April 30 was a remarkable success. We had quite a line of people clutching their new treasures well before the bell sounded to open the market for business.

Seed Starters 2023_2We could not have done that without the many members who grew tomatoes, herbs, basil, aloe, houseplants and so many moretreasures, generously donated them and delivered them to the Corrales Farmer’s Market on April 30. The time flew by with a dozen Master Gardeners finding the kind of tomato and pepper the buyers wanted. Customers appreciated the insights about the planting, care and growing tips as their plants were packed up to go home.

As members it was fun to see each other in person again. We delighted in getting to meet so many of our new interns face-to-face after months of seeing them only as a thumbnail video on our weekly Zoom meetings.

Seed Starters 2023_1We took notes last year to make the sale run smoother – and they paid off. We added more notes for 2024 to continue making this sale a success and major money maker to support the Master Gardener projects that serve Sandoval county. Herbs and houseplants are big draws – something to consider for 2024.

It’s exciting to see what we can do when we unite our efforts for a common cause!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

~ Margaret Mead