Bethany Abrahamson – Welcoming Our New Extension Agriculture Agent for Sandoval County

Greetings and happy new year! My name is Bethany Abrahamson, and I am the new Extension
Agriculture Agent for Sandoval County.
I received my Master of Science in Biology from the University of New Mexico, where I studied how
natural history research collections are used by both researchers and the public. As an entomology
and nursery inspector with the New Mexico Department of Agriculture for nearly ten years, I helped
protect our state from invasive pests, including Japanese beetle and pecan weevil. My interests in
entomology and museum studies include the intersections between the natural world, art and history.
I hope I can share some of these interests with you and learn from the Master Gardener wealth of
knowledge as well.
I am extremely impressed by all the great work being done by the Master Gardener program in this
county, in particular your work with Seed2Need and all the home visits and hotline responses that
directly assist the people of the county. I am also fascinated by the Sandoval Seed Swap and Share
that collects and distributes seeds suitable for growing in the county. It’s great to hear how many
new interns are being added every season. There are so many excellent projects going on, and I
can’t wait to jump in!
I would be happy to partner up on new projects and home visits, help research your garden
questions, and benefit from all of your Master Gardener expertise. I’m also making suggestions for
newsletter articles and other needs in our county that need to be met. If you have any ideas or just
want to say hi, you can reach me at my email,
I am looking forward to working with you all,
–Bethany Abrahamson
Extension Agriculture Agent