Working With Children

Working with Children projects fall into three categories: ongoing and regularly scheduled classroom education and mentoring of children; one-time demonstration events; and judging horticultural competitions.

If you have questions or comments about any project please email –

PLEASE NOTE – This page is under construction. Not all approved projects are represented yet.

CES Gardening Program

The Sandoval Extension Master Gardeners meet each week with all of the fifth-grade classes at Corrales Elementary school to present gardening and science-related lessons and activities.  Fall classes include planting cool-season vegetables in our garden beds, as well as bulbs and cool-season flowers in our flower beds.   Other presentations focus on:  insects and other creatures in our garden, nutrition, botany, water conservation, how seeds travel and those that we eat.  All of the vegetables and edible flowers are harvested and prepared for a celebration the week before Thanksgiving.  In January, students start vegetable and flower seeds in the classroom, transplant them into individual containers, and then move them to our beds when the weather warms.  Students also grow houseplants from cuttings and create botanical drawings.  Additional classes include: composting, pollinators, food preservation, herbs, and permaculture.  The year ends in May with green smoothies made with the vegetables from our spring gardens. 

Former teachers are welcome to join our program, as needed.  Parents and guardians are encouraged to visit and participate in our activities.


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Sandoval Extension Master Gardeners educate and serve our communities in sustainable high desert gardening. Donations are tax deductible.