Working with the Public

Sandoval Extension Master Gardeners are committed to providing the public with the latest, most practical horticultural information currently available. Projects that provide information to the public fall into the following categories: answering gardening questions by phone or email; answering gardening questions in person; and offering education/training classes to the public.

If you have questions or comments about any project please email –

PLEASE NOTE – This page is under construction. Not all approved projects are represented yet.

Bernalillo Farmers’ Market

The Bernalillo Farmers’ Market furnishes the public access to sustainable sources of locally grown food, and provides agricultural producers an outlet for the sale of their products directly to consumers. This Friday market (Fridays: mid June – late October) is located in Bernalillo’s Rotary Park (300 Rotary Park Rd) from 4 – 6 pm.

Corrales Garden Tour

The Annual Corrales Garden Tour offers beautiful local gardens for the publics viewing pleasure. The SEMG chapter, assisting the Corrales Main Street economic development group, organizes member volunteers to be available at the gardens and offer horticultural expertise and further resource information through our website and newsletter. Profits are directed into needed projects in the village of Corrales.

Corrales Growers’ Market (SUNDAY MARKET)

The Corrales Growers’ Market furnishes Sandoval County access to sustainable sources of locally grown food, and provides agricultural producers an outlet for the sale of their products directly to consumers. Only Sandoval Master Gardeners may participate at the information table. (For more information about the Market click here.)

Corrales Harvest Festival

This two-day event is held in the fall, typically the last weekend in September and features numerous activities for youth and adults. The SEMG is given a number of tents in the youth area of the Corrales Soccer Field to offer a variety of activities for youth, including creation of seed art and seed bomb making.


Combine your love of gardening, cooking, nutrition, and helping others by becoming a Garden2Table Volunteer.  The Garden2Table Outreach Program helps SEMG reach Sandoval County residents with up-to-date, research-based knowledge on gardening, food preparation, nutrition, and food safety through demonstrating how to incorporate fresh, seasonal produce in preparing a simple, delicious, nutritional dish.  This committee will be “reimagining” its outreach in the coming year to include more interactive activities in a variety of settings. All SEMG members are welcome to volunteer.

Placitas Garden Tour

The Placitas Garden Tour, an approved SEMG volunteer project, is an annual ticketed horticultural event open to the public from which net profits will benefit the Sandoval Extension Master Gardener program and the Placitas Community Library.   For more information on the upcoming event and the Placitas tour gardens past and present please go to

Public volunteers are needed for the tour and invited to volunteer as garden greeters, traffic and parking coordinators, gardening experts, and horticultural presenters.  Please contact the Placitas Garden Tour for inquiries and sign up as a public volunteer on   This is a community event!

You may contact us at this email address for more information:

SEMG Home Visits

Home Visits, an outreach volunteer project, may be utilized to investigate more difficult horticultural questions that cannot be effectively resolved by the Sandoval Extension Master Gardener (SEMG) Helpline or by phone Helpline.    A home visit is recommended by the Helpline volunteer, a MG specialist, or by the Extension Agent as a necessary step to resolve a horticultural question after first obtaining diagnostic information, photographs, consulting with a specialist, and/ or sending garden education documents or linked information to narrow down the possibilities with the homeowner.

A Home Visit is scheduled with the homeowner by the Home Visits Project Chair or the designated lead SEMG volunteer.  Volunteers travel by car to the residential garden to meet with the homeowner and investigate the horticultural issue having been previously informed by Home Visits Chair, the SEMG Helpline volunteer, or the Agent.   The Home Visits volunteer or team takes additional photos, collects samples, or ascertains the issue on the spot along with a recommended course of action, or decides that further research/ testing is necessary before summarizing the issue with the homeowner.   When the research or testing is completed, the appropriate follow-up is communicated to the garden owner by the Home Visits lead volunteer along with a recommended course of action.

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Sandoval Extension Master Gardeners educate and serve our communities in sustainable high desert gardening. Donations are tax deductible.