Southwest Plant of the Month – Golden columbine – Aquilegia chrysantha

Dec 29, 2020 | Plant of the Month

General Information

Plant Form Flower Plant Size 2′ x 2′
Plant Type Perennial Water Usage Medium
Sunlight Partial Shade, Full Shade Colors Yellow

Physical Description: 
 Delicate, shade tolerant perennial with large golden-yellow flowers and attractive lacey foliage.

Care and Maintenance:  Short lived but reseeds. Aphids. Needs regular water and maintenance to look best.

Gardener’s Notes:  Use this Southwestern native and avoid other more commonly available columbine species since they are poorly adapted to desert conditions. Long spurred variety, known as “Longissima”, is especially attractive. It is often sold under the name “Texas Gold”.

Photo and Information from NMSU Southwest Yard and Garden Plant Advisor