Free Seeds

Apr 16, 2023 | Seeds

Did you know there are at least two sources for free seeds?

Sandoval Seed CatalogCheck out the Sandoval Seed Swap and Share, housed in the lobby of the Sandoval County Office Building at 1500 Idalia Rd, Bernalillo.  This card catalog is stuffed full of all types of seeds – and can be accessed M-F during normal business hours. (While you’re there, check out the gorgeous houseplants, also, a SEMG project looking for volunteers!)


Corrales Seeds photo by Meg Buerkel HunnCorrales Community Seed Library – housed in the Corrales Library, allows patrons to ‘check out’ seeds for home planting. While you’re there, check out the SEMG Pollinator and Storybook Gardens! For more info:

Seed Catalog Photos by Meg Buerkel Hunn