Do you have a passion for indoor plants? Or are you looking to have the opportunity to work indoors? Well, this project is for you! You will receive 2 volunteer hours for each watering slot.

VOLUNTEERING INCLUDES: You will have the use of a wheeled cart with a watering can and some basic tools. Please remove all dead leaves and keep an eye on the health of the plants. Please check the soil with your finger to see if it is damp before watering (as sometimes staff inside the building will water, without permission). If the plant is damp, please skip watering it. If the plant is dry, water until the topsoil is fairly damp without too much water sitting in the holding tray below it. We do not want plants to sit in trays of water, as this can cause rot and brings bugs. On some larger Ficus trees you cannot see inside the bottom tray. Please make sure these trees are fully saturated and not leaking out onto the ground during your shift.

The building is open from 8:00am to 5:00pm. If you cannot fulfill your watering shift on the exact date you signed up for, please call Michelle Wittie to come water for you. Doors into the building will lock at 5pm automatically, so as long as you get inside before 5pm you can take as much time you need to finish the Volunteer work. You should not be watering before or after the date you signed up for. These plants are meant to thrive if watered every 10 days. If any troubles at all, please contact Michelle immediately and she will be happy to take care of it.

DIRECTIONS TO LOCATION: Administration Office is the 3 story building at 1500 Idalia Rd, Bernalillo, NM 87004. If you are entering the building through the West side doors, the elevator will be on your right side. Take Elevator up to the 2nd floor. Exit the elevator and turn left. You will see the offices of Community Services to your immediate left. Enter, and you will see a door to the solarium to your right. The watering cart (we actually have 2 carts, one is filled with other supplies) is in the solarium directly on your right, close to the windows. Remember to log your date and times in the binder that’s on the cart so we can get credit for all the work we’ve done.

TRAINING:  If this is your first time volunteering for this project, please message Michelle Wittie about getting an in person intro into what needs to be done.  If you need some help with houseplants or need some training before or during your shift or you have any questions about the plants please contact Michelle via text, phone call or email and she can talk about anything you have concerns about.

These houseplants video links may also be helpful:
Growing Indoor Plants with Success | UGA Cooperative Extension

Sign up below...

Indoor WateringJanuary 2, 2024#1: Janet Weber
Indoor WateringJanuary 12, 2024#1: Michelle Wittie
Indoor WateringJanuary 22, 2024#1: Jamie Bennett
Indoor WateringFebruary 1, 2024#1: antwanette hailey
Repotting PartyFebruary 5, 2024#1: Michelle Wittie
#2: Michelle Wittie
#3: Michelle Wittie
#4: Michelle Wittie
Indoor WateringFebruary 12, 2024#1: Janet Weber
Indoor WateringFebruary 22, 2024#1: Jamie Bennett
Indoor WateringMarch 4, 2024#1: Janet Weber
Indoor WateringMarch 14, 2024#1: Judith Jasinski
Indoor WateringMarch 25, 2024#1: Michelle Wittie
Indoor WateringApril 4, 2024#1: antwanette hailey
Indoor WateringApril 15, 2024#1: Rita Holcomb
Indoor WateringApril 25, 2024#1: Rachel Gee
Indoor WateringMay 6, 2024#1: Rita Holcomb
Indoor WateringMay 16, 2024#1: Kristin Hampton
Indoor WateringMay 27, 2024#1: Anne Tellez
Indoor WateringJune 6, 2024#1: antwanette hailey
Indoor WateringJune 17, 2024#1: Janet Weber
Indoor WateringJune 27, 2024#1: Michelle Wittie
Indoor WateringJuly 8, 2024#1: Anne Tellez
Indoor WateringJuly 18, 2024#1: Tracy Bogard
Indoor WateringJuly 29, 2024#1: Rita Holcomb
Indoor WateringAugust 8, 2024#1: antwanette hailey
Indoor WateringAugust 19, 2024#1: Janet Weber
Indoor WateringAugust 29, 2024#1: Michelle Wittie
Indoor WateringSeptember 9, 2024#1: Rita Holcomb
Indoor WateringSeptember 19, 2024#1: Anne Tellez
Indoor WateringSeptember 30, 2024#1: Angela Krier
Indoor WateringOctober 10, 2024#1: antwanette hailey
Indoor WateringOctober 18, 2024#1: Angela Krier
Indoor WateringOctober 28, 2024#1: Michelle Wittie
Indoor WateringNovember 7, 2024#1: Anne Tellez
Indoor WateringNovember 15, 2024#1: Angela Krier
Indoor WateringNovember 25, 2024#1: Janet Weber
Indoor WateringDecember 5, 2024#1: Anne Tellez
Indoor WateringDecember 16, 2024#1: Tracy Bogard
Indoor WateringDecember 30, 2024#1: Michelle Wittie