Southwest Plant of the Month – Buffalograss – Buchloe dactyloide

Plant Form: Turfgrass
Plant Size: 6” x varies
Plant Type: Warm season
Water: Low
Sunlight: Sun
Plant Size: 6” x varies
Plant Type: Warm season
Water: Low
Sunlight: Sun
Physical description: Soft, fine, gray-green foliage turning straw color after frost. Sod forming, spreading by rooting stolons.
Care and maintenance: Needs reliable summer moisture to remain green or will go dormant and turn brown. Invasive Bermuda grass can be a weed problem. Does not like sandy soil, preferring heavier loam or clay soil.
Gardener’s notes: Best if infrequently mowed. Good for naturalizing and wildflower meadows. Reseeds well. Native to Eastern NM and Central Texas northward.
Southwest Plant of the Month material courtesy of NMSU ACES