What Can YOU Do To Reduce Carbon? And Why You Want To

A Master Gardener brought to my attention that we do not spend enough time sharing information about regenerative soil. The compelling movie, Kiss the Ground, explained that regenerative practices include “heat the soil, revive ecosystems, increase farmer wellbeing, and help balance the climate” (Kissthegroundmovie.com). Soil can store a vast amount of carbon and the greatest density of this sequestered carbon lies under grassland. One way to maintain our soil is to plant cover crops that build soil, mitigate global warming, and reverse desertification.
Regenerative agriculture focuses on “topsoil regeneration, increasing biodiversity, improving the water cycle, increasing resilience to climate change, and strengthening the health and vitality of soil. As soil health improves, composting may decrease, and yields may increase as soils are more resilient against extreme weather and harbor fewer pests and pathogens”. (Wikipedia)
“Most plans to mitigate climate change focus on “reducing greenhouse gas emissions.” Regenerative agriculture, i.e. the capture of atmospheric carbon dioxide by growing plants that move that carbon dioxide into the soil, is pretty nearly the only currently-functioning technology available for drawing down greenhouse gases that are already in the atmosphere, mostly through the cultivation and nurturing of forests and permanent perennial pastures and grasslands.” (Wikipedia)