Southwest Plant of the Month – American Aloe, Amole Plant – Manfreda maculosa  

Jan 29, 2020 | Plant of the Month

Plant Form: Flower
Plant Size: 2′ x 1′
Plant Type: Perennial
Water Usage: Low
Sunlight: Sun, Partial Shade
Colors: Green, Purple, Red, White

Physical Description:
Succulent, light green leaf blades with reddish brown spots, rest on the ground in basal rosettes. Erect flowering stalks rise to bear scapes of large, bulbous based, trumpet-like, flowers. The greenish or cream colored blossoms fade to rusty red-purple with the anthers extended well beyond the flower tube on red filaments. Spreads slowly from root offshoots or “pups”

Care and Maintenance:
Freezes to the ground in winter. Give protection for quick recovery in spring from the fleshy roots.

Gardener’s notes
One of several south Texas/Mexican species, some of which are endangered by land clearing and thoughtless collecting. Not a true Aloe but related to Agaves. An unusual, colorful plant worthy of trying in desert gardens. Will accept container cultivation.

Manfreda maculosa iInformation from: