Tree Care

Tree Care

Tree Care Tree Care by David Pojmann There are major differences between country trees and urban trees. Country trees grew up in a favorable environment, along with others of their species, and adjusted slowly over the years to the soil conditions, water availability...
Winter Garden Chores

Winter Garden Chores

Winter Garden Chores Winter Garden Chores By Dudley Vines Winter is a slow time for gardeners. Many folks enjoy looking through nursery catalogs and planning next year’s garden. Winter is also a good time to clean, sharpen, oil, and otherwise maintain your garden...
Plant of the Month- Agarita

Plant of the Month- Agarita

Plant of the Month- Agarita Agarita (Berberis trifoliolata) Agarita is a plant native to New Mexico, Texas and Northern Mexico Agarita is low maintenance, drought tolerant, evergreen, and hardy to 15 degrees F. It is adaptable to other soils as long as they are...
Plant of the Month- Apache Plume

Plant of the Month- Apache Plume

Plant of the Month- Apache Plume Fallugia paradoxa : Apache plume Ponil Rosaceae (Rose Family) Kingdom Plantae – Plants Subkingdom Tracheobionta Superdivision Spermatophyta Division Magnoliophyta Class Magnoliopsida Subclass Rosidae Order Rosales Family Rosaceae –...
July Plant of the Month- Hartweg’s Sundrops

July Plant of the Month- Hartweg’s Sundrops

July Plant of the Month- Hartweg’s Sundrops Calylophus hartwegii: Hartweg’s  Sundrops / Fendler’s Sundrops Form: Herb. Lifespan: Perennial. Growth rate: Rapid. Mature Size: 12-18″ high and 24″ wide. Flowers: Bright yellow, four petals, 24...
Plant of the Month – Tulips

Plant of the Month – Tulips

Plant of the Month – Tulips Plant of the Month –  Tulips Article & Photo by: Jan Koehler, SCMG Scientific Name: Tulipa gesneriana Linnaeus Other Common Name: Common garden tulip Type: Bulbs Family: Liliaceae Native Range: Temperate Central and West...