Landscapes Need Irrigation in Winter

Landscapes Need Irrigation in Winter

Landscapes Need Irrigation in Winter From Southwest Yard and Garden, November 5, 2005 by Dr. Curtis Smith, PhD, NMSU Extension Horticulture Specialist (retired) Water once a month, on a day when the temperature is above freezing. Most outdoor plants aren’t...
Cold Frames for a Longer Season

Cold Frames for a Longer Season

Cold Frames for a Longer Season Roy Archibald, SCMG A cold frame is a valuable tool for getting an early start in the garden and extending the season in the fall. We can begin planting at least a month earlier using one. In the fall adding a hoop cover can extend...
The Garden Sleeps

The Garden Sleeps

The Garden Sleeps By Jan Koehler, SCMG There comes a time each year when even the most engaged gardener appreciates the declining day length and cooler temperatures which signal that the end of arduous toil, however be-loved, is winding down for the year. The amount...
Growing Neomexicanus Wild Hop

Growing Neomexicanus Wild Hop

Growing Neomexicanus Wild Hop CAUTION: — Growing Neomexicanus Wild Hop Can be addictive — and it is just about as practical as a mid-engine sports car. I have learned enough to know better over the past eight months, but I am more motivated now than ever...