by scmgadmin | Feb 7, 2017 | Experiences, Plant of the Month
Wild Hop- Humulus lupulus var. neomexicanus -Southwest Plant of the Month Humulus lupulus var. Neomexicanus is a wild hop that is native to the streams and river areas of the New Mexico mountains and throughout the Western states region. Humulus (hops) belongs to the...
by scmgadmin | Jan 29, 2017 | Growing Tips
Tree Care Tree Care by David Pojmann There are major differences between country trees and urban trees. Country trees grew up in a favorable environment, along with others of their species, and adjusted slowly over the years to the soil conditions, water availability...
by scmgadmin | Jan 29, 2017 | Growing Tips, Projects
Winter Garden Chores Winter Garden Chores By Dudley Vines Winter is a slow time for gardeners. Many folks enjoy looking through nursery catalogs and planning next year’s garden. Winter is also a good time to clean, sharpen, oil, and otherwise maintain your garden...