Mexican Elder

Mexican Elder

Mexican Elder SOUTHWEST PLANT  OF THE MONTH – October 2016 Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle family) Mostly evergreen ornamental tree/> Mexican Elder sambucus mexicana Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle family) Mostly evergreen ornamental tree HEIGHT: 10-15 feet but known...
Close Encounters with the Plum Leafcurl Aphid

Close Encounters with the Plum Leafcurl Aphid

Close Encounters with the Plum Leafcurl Aphid Close Encounters with the Plum Leafcurl Aphid It was the middle of May this year and the leaves on my toddler Toca Plum tree were looking shriveled and intensely unhappy. Feverish prayers offered at the Google altar earned...
Plant of the Month- Agarita

Plant of the Month- Agarita

Plant of the Month- Agarita Agarita (Berberis trifoliolata) Agarita is a plant native to New Mexico, Texas and Northern Mexico Agarita is low maintenance, drought tolerant, evergreen, and hardy to 15 degrees F. It is adaptable to other soils as long as they are...
Plant of the Month- Apache Plume

Plant of the Month- Apache Plume

Plant of the Month- Apache Plume Fallugia paradoxa : Apache plume Ponil Rosaceae (Rose Family) Kingdom Plantae – Plants Subkingdom Tracheobionta Superdivision Spermatophyta Division Magnoliophyta Class Magnoliopsida Subclass Rosidae Order Rosales Family Rosaceae –...
How Does Your Garden Grow?

How Does Your Garden Grow?

How Does Your Garden Grow? Guest Column & Photography by Jim Dodson, SCMG Editor My garden grows on inspiration and encouragement from others. A year ago I landed in Bernalillo without a clue as to what I intended to do after twenty years as an Analyst Programmer....