by scmgadmin | Apr 19, 2019 | Experiences
Vertical Farming by Carol Dimeff Sandoval County Master Gardeners toured Sananbio, Inc. in Albuquerque, doing R&D on new cultivars of lettuce. Plants are incubated from seed, then grown hydroponically under trademark LED lights, 30 cm. from light-to-bed....
by Tracy Bogard | Sep 7, 2018 | Experiences, Plant Pests, Tips & Ideas
Science Triumphs By Dudley Vines, SCMG A few months ago Linda Walsh, a 2018 SCMG intern, emailed me (one of her mentors) worried about some spots on her cherry tree. She said they looked like tiny red bugs, but since they didn’t move she thought maybe they were some...
by Tracy Bogard | Feb 3, 2018 | Experiences, Growing Tips, Tips & Ideas
The Garden Sleeps By Jan Koehler, SCMG There comes a time each year when even the most engaged gardener appreciates the declining day length and cooler temperatures which signal that the end of arduous toil, however be-loved, is winding down for the year. The amount...
by scmgadmin | Jul 2, 2017 | Experiences, Growing Tips, Projects
Watering Seeds and Seedlings Have you ever washed out the seeds you were trying to get to germinate by applying too much water? Have you ever used a mister to avoid washing out seedlings, only to discover that they dried up due to lack of soil moisture? That has...
by scmgadmin | Feb 7, 2017 | Experiences, Growing Tips, NMSU, Plant Pests
Who’s Afraid of Curly Top? Who’s Afraid of Curly Top? You may remember the old Shirley Temple movies, with that cute little tap dancing tot that could charm even the crustiest curmudgeon. Shirley was nicknamed Curly Top, and she even starred in a movie by that name....
by scmgadmin | Feb 7, 2017 | Experiences, Plant of the Month
Wild Hop- Humulus lupulus var. neomexicanus -Southwest Plant of the Month Humulus lupulus var. Neomexicanus is a wild hop that is native to the streams and river areas of the New Mexico mountains and throughout the Western states region. Humulus (hops) belongs to the...