Down and Dirty with Rachel

Down and Dirty with Rachel

Down and Dirty with Rachel Whenever I tell people I moved here from Arkansas, I almost invariably get a response along the lines of “That’s a big change”. Yes and no. The sun is undoubtedly stronger, and it is drier here. Chile is king. I feel weird walking through...
We Can Farm in Corrales

We Can Farm in Corrales

We Can Farm in Corrales Photo:  Wagner – NM Digital  “We Can Farm in Corrales…It’s Not the Moon, You Know!” The history of agriculture in New Mexico dates back 12,000 years. Based on artifacts discovered, the earliest recorded people, the Mogollon, grew...
Vertical Farming

Vertical Farming

Vertical Farming by Carol Dimeff Sandoval County Master Gardeners toured Sananbio, Inc. in Albuquerque, doing R&D on new cultivars of lettuce. Plants are incubated from seed, then grown hydroponically under trademark LED lights, 30 cm. from light-to-bed....
Science Triumphs

Science Triumphs

Science Triumphs By Dudley Vines, SCMG A few months ago Linda Walsh, a 2018 SCMG intern, emailed me (one of her mentors) worried about some spots on her cherry tree. She said they looked like tiny red bugs, but since they didn’t move she thought maybe they were some...
The Garden Sleeps

The Garden Sleeps

The Garden Sleeps By Jan Koehler, SCMG There comes a time each year when even the most engaged gardener appreciates the declining day length and cooler temperatures which signal that the end of arduous toil, however be-loved, is winding down for the year. The amount...
Watering Seeds and Seedlings

Watering Seeds and Seedlings

Watering Seeds and Seedlings Have you ever washed out the seeds you were trying to get to germinate by applying too much water?  Have you ever used a mister to avoid washing out seedlings, only to discover that they dried up due to lack of soil moisture? That has...