Green News Blog
Garden2Table Recipe Corner: SUMMER HARVEST SOUP
Basil, green beans, sweet corn, apples, summer squash, tomatoes,...
Southwest Yard & Garden – Summer Pruning Is Okay and Maybe Even Better Than Waiting Until Late Winter
Question: Is it okay to prune landscape trees now? Should we wait until...
Southwest Yard & Garden – Tomato Warning: Side Splits and Shoulder Cracks
Question: What’s wrong with these tomatoes? We’re seeing marks developing...
Southwest Yard & Garden – Cicada Killer Wasps Are Cooler Than They Are Scary
Question: What is this HUGE insect in my yard? I hope it’s not a murder...
Peaches, corn, and tomatoes are bountiful this time of year, and this...
Learning From Squash Bugs
by Linda Walsh – SEMG 2018 If There’s Squash Bugs in Heaven I Ain’t...
Southwest Plant of the Month – Trailing yellow dalea – Dalea capitata
General Information Plant Form Ground Cover Plant Size 1' x 5' Plant Type...
King David Came Over For Great Species
Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish Botanist (1707-1778) By Kate Shadock –...
Growing Tomatoes in Sandoval County
By Sam Thompson – SEMG 2008 - ‘The Tomato Maven’ There are three key...